Monday 14 May 2012

How to insert a YouTube video into PowerPoint

A student has just asked how to insert a YouTube clip into PowerPoint.  In PowerPoint 2010, this is rather easy.*  This is how to do it:

To insert a youtube video into Powerpoint 2010:
  1. Go the YouTube video you want.
  2. Click the 'Share' button
  3. Click the 'Embed' button
  4. Untick 'Show suggested videos when the video finishes'
  5. Tick Use Old Embed Code
  6. Copy the old embed code

    In your PowerPoint:
  7. On the Insert tab, click 'Video'
  8. Click 'Video from Web Site'
  9. Paste the embed code into the box.
You'll just see a black box - you can move and resize this.  You'll only get to 'see' the video when you 'Show' the PowerPoint.

Please have a go, and get back to me if you need further help / assistance.

Kindest regards


(*I remember having to jump through all sorts of hoops to get the 2003 version playing YouTube videos!)

1 comment:

David Callaghan said...

This is how to do it in 2007:

Just tried it, and it worked fine for me.

Kindest, David.